EiJ Concept: Equity
A critical exploration of the concept of equity.
A critical exploration of the concept of equity.
Enviornmental injustice researcher's program pages.
Digital collection of resources for understanding and using critical concepts to characterize and respond to environmental injustice.
Collections of readings that examine and conceptualize environmental injustice.
This policy guide explains the basics of American copyright law as it concerns universities, scholars, and scholarly publishers.
Multiple maps: Map tiles including street and satellite provided by Open Street Maps, MapQuest, and more
Data sources: Map and visualize data streams from third parties like Twitter, Twillio, SMSSync, Nexmo, FrontlineSMS, and email
Configurable charts: Chart your work with configurable bar and timelines views
Professionals can use this information of affected individuals in order to designate their post event focus on care for emergency providers.
- "The importance of the body is basically nothing more than the importance of the body... as labor."
- "The immigrant's body was entirely legitimized through its function as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by illness or accident."
- “legal protection for sick people was still considerably reduced by a decision of the European court of human rights… a Ugandan woman suffering from an advanced stage of AIDS. The court refused the women’s appeal [to stay in Britain for medical reasons] and authorized her deportation."
This article focuses on the effects on mental health that a major disaster can cause. It looks at the severity of the disaster, preperation for such disatsers, treament of disaster influenced mental disorders. It includes a detailed look at the research into such.
Website with an excellent (and brief) explanation of fair use to copyrighted materials, along with a useful fair-use checklist that can be used to assist in fair-use analysis.