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Project: Formosa Plastics Global Archive

The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical




“Based upon research that the DRLA leadership has conducted with reputational leaders in the field, including leaders from within other premier academic institutions, international organizations, prestigious NGOs, the United Nations, the donor community, think tanks and the Red Cross movement, it is widely agreed that a systematic and interdisciplinary approach to leadership is widely needed in the community and insufficiently addressed in most academic programs. As Tulane University itself has exhibited such resilience and strength of leadership in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it represents and ideal setting to support such an approach to disaster resilience leadership education and allows students to experience the living laboratory of recovery and resilience that is the city of New Orleans.” -- Louisiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters.




1) I did more research into our role and mental health in the EMS system as EMTs. I found this article to be particularly insightful: Managing Psychiatric Emergencies (

2) Bettering and improving EMS care by bypassing EDs and transporting patients to mental hospitals.


3) Learned about FEMAs policies and programs for mental health following a disaster in the U.S. (



The author of this article is Sonja D. Schmid. Sonja has degrees in science, technology and society (STS) as well as experience in organizational theory, disaster social issues, and studied risk in relation to different societies and cultures throughout the world.



Every year the IAEA releases various reports on its members and the state of nuclear safety, safeguards implementation reports, nuclear technology review, and technical cooperation reports. These documents report the progress of the IAEA on accomplishing its mission statement.