Nwoya Environmental Injustice Record
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda

Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
Photo essay to introduce viewers to soil health injustice in Wayanad District, Kerala, India
In the spirit of life long learning
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
The NYS ebola preparedness plan was designed to outline the plan for responding to and preparing for ebola emergencies within the NYS health system
I followed up on the outcome of the lawsuit filed against the EPA, the cleanup efforts (i.e. how long it took to cleanup, who participated), and why the EPA allowed residents to move back into their homes in the days following the tower collapses.
The book from which this excerpt is a part of has been used and referenced in classes outside of Virginia Tech including MIT and Johns Hopkins.
Data for this article was gathered through studies conducted with the PIH in the United States, Haiti, and Africa as well as researching other publications.
The plan does not appear to address any specific population but the public in general.
Wayanad District in Kerala District