Case Studies Winter 2024
Case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Winter 2024.
Case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Winter 2024.
Slow disaster case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Fall 2022.
Combo disaster case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Fall 2022.
The article is a conglomeration of findings during two research workshops in 2014 and 2015. There are also many outside articles referenced on the subject. Finally experiences from those in the field are used to understand the difficulties.
Andrew Lakoff is a cultural anthropologist at University of Southern California. He studies social theory and medical anthropology.
Stephen Collier is a doctor of philosophy, derpartment of Anthropology, at the University of California Berkeley. He also studies social theory and social policy.
Both have studied policies on medical aid and global health.
Some othe rpublications:
"Vaccine Politics and the Management of Public Reason"
"Global Health Security and the Pathogenic Imaginary"
"Real-Time Biopolitics: The Actuary and the Sentinel in Global Public Health"
"Vital Systems Security: Reflexive Biopolitics and the Government of Emergency"
They did not include the viewpoint of fire fighters in this film, who were also important in the response to this disaster.
This book and the associated chapters has been extensively cited and discussed. Originally written in French and translated, it is clearly an incredibly influential work.
Through a simple and understandable GUI on the website that allows one to click to different videos within ones section and then go back to the greater timeline to move around.
The understanding of disasters and their relation to global mental health, both to those who suffered directly from then and to those who were part of the greater community of those who suffered, is constantly evolving. Analyzation of past research and the current methods of study allow the global community to effectively understand and treat mental health on a large scale.
It allows us to do our job during hazard events without worrying and potentially affecting the lives of patients because of financial liabilities.