Zackery.White“The legacy of Chernobyl has been used as a means of signaling Ukraine's domestic and international legitimacy and staking territorial claims; and as a venue of governance and state building, social welfare, and corruption.”
"Citizens, have come to depend on obtainable technologies and legal procedures to gain political regongition and admission to some form of welfare inclusion."
"She told me that Ukrainians were inflating their numbers of exposed persons, that their so-called invalids "didn't want cover." She saw the illnesses of this group as a "struggle for power and mater sources related to the disaster."
Zackery.WhiteGoogle Scholar has this article being cited 22 times in various works. The topic pool focuses on the effects of humanitarian aid on groups that are considered to be in the gender based minority.
Zackery.WhitePlaces in third world countries where phone access may not be a prominent and thus conditions more closely related to those distinct areas.
Zackery.WhiteThis has been referenced in "Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi" by R Hindmarsh.
ArielMejiaNJITThe presented artifact talks about the pollution management in the Passaic River. The water body has been contaminated from previous manufacaturing companies that would dump toxic material into the river. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "two cleanups of the river have been completed." However, the plan on a third cleanup was created in March of 2016. The state is looking into getting residents back to the river through park creation, education and cultural events which I find great, but a concern of mine is what if the water isn't safe enough? These things have to be taken into consideration because human lives are at stake.