Austin Rhetoric Field Team
This essay will serve as the workspace for the Austin Anthropocene Campus Rhetoric Field Team.
Zackery.WhiteThis article has been referenced in 16+ anthropological papers on PMC. Most of the references are for papers that deal with references for HIV in urban communities.
Zackery.WhiteDoctors Without Borders comes with a unique aspect of non-bias for the people they give care. Just as a hospital should have no bias, MSF has no religious affiliation, pays no attention to social classes and does not participate in political battles. This lack of bias allows for the most effect when administering emergency patient care.
Zackery.WhiteResearchers used personal anecdotes of two individuals who, were locked up in Rikers in order to provided a personal view of the conditions of the facilities. The other data was collected from multiple agency's and law firms that have gather data to make a case for either the closing or improvement of Rikers.
Ian Ferris describes the methods and focus of the Rhetoric Field Team of the Austin Anthropocene Field Campus.