Formosa Plastics Global Archive 台灣塑膠檔案館
The Formosa Plastics Archive (FPA) (台灣塑膠檔案館) documents environmental disaster caused by one of the world's largest petrochemical companies.
The Formosa Plastics Archive (FPA) (台灣塑膠檔案館) documents environmental disaster caused by one of the world's largest petrochemical companies.
This collection documents the early protests against Formosa Plastics petrochemical development in Yilan County (see also Ho 2014
"... pathology, which previously aroused suspicion, has therefore become a source of social recognition"
"The issuing of a diagnosis and prognosis- an every-day act for the clinician, in principle involving no difficulties other than technical ones- became a problem of conscience that seemed like to invovle ideological of ethical issues"
"The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the priciple of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit"
The article was mainly backed by statistical evidence and cited other reesearch articles and studies. The authors, I assume, used their own extensive backgrounds in the field to support their arguments and views.
The app was actually designed originally as an experiement by the Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence. The members of their Affirmative Consent Division were given the app as an experiment on the context of discussion around cosent. The idea was to test how discussion about consent affects the consent itself and the acts following. The Institute page doesn't really say where the funding is from, though I'd say privately through members and sponsors.
This system definitely shouldnt be used as a means of diagnosis when a doctor is completely stumped for answers. Its a tool but not a reliable resource.