Zackery.WhiteSome data that can be collected by audio recordings and geo-locations.
Some data that can be collected by audio recordings and geo-locations.
Google scholar shows that this article has been cited 39 times. The articles usually have to do with trauma and psychopathology of post-disaster mental health.
The app has one main list within which users can choose what they need assistance with. Within those exist further flow charts and ways for physicians to decide appropriate patient care.
Any interview qithe the prime minister or TEPCO official, it just seems as they would try and protect their image as apposed to doing it for benefit.
1. I looked into the concept of 'atomic priests' mentioned on page 196 that was proposed in the 70s and 80s. I thought it was interesting when I saw it in the title of this report, and was interested to learn more about what it was.
2. I looked on the website for IEAE, since Schmid mentioned them for a while.
3. I also looked into the organization Spetsatom, since it sounded as if they may have had the right idea about emergency response, but the website is in Russian, so it was hard to understand.
This article discussed gender-based violence in the context of humanitarianism. It focuses on rape and assault and whether or not they should be treated by humanitarian efforts as other issues are. The author provides pros and cons to humanitarian intervention and the implications of each.
It can give data through polls as "multiple data types", it can aslo track posts through social media, and sms text responses.