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Adrianna Petryna has a PhD in anthropology and is a professor of such at the University of Pennsylvania. This shows that she has a background in the humanity and relations perspective of the issues that she addresses. Therefore, the scientific information about Chernobyl and other situations she discusses are likely based on research that she read, rather than on her own reasearch and experiences,.



The academic program is targeted to college students who want to enter the field of disaster relief and become leaders in this area. The program accentuates the development of leaders and resiliency in their students to be able to excel in the career of disaster response, as strong and capable leaders. The program's aid targets areas and people in need post disaster, in terms of leadership and guidance. 



This article looks at various distasters over America's history, primarily fires, and how particular building codes that may or may not have been voilated and increased the lives lost and amount of wreckage. It examines the political and legistlative responses to these disasters, whether or not other places were held to higher standards afterward.



This policy allows for those in need to qualify for certain pay exclusions if they reach eligibility requirements. The policy also defines what an IMD is and what constitutes one in terms of how many bed it has, how it is run or operated, etc. This stands to possibly increase the amount of people that may seek treatment now, who couldn't before due to finances.



The article discusses the "compassion protocols" of France, the laws that allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country and get treated for diseases. They will not be deported and if they are incurable, then their housing costs will be paid for. It brings up politics that are very different from that in America, as far as what people are entitiled to. To be allowed to stay, one must apply to the government and wait to be accepted or denied. In cases of doubt, the individual was supposed to be accepted.



Many of the citations are from the MSF compilation, but others are clearly other studies or research articles. They are all from the past 20 years or so, since humanitarian and womens' sexual rights gained popularity and momentum around that time.



"Opinions about how the state should address the fate of these Chemobyl victims also serve as a kind of barometer of the country's changing moral fabric"

"Cherobyl was a key political event, generating many effects, some of which have yet to be known; its truths have been made only partly known through estimates derived from experimental science."

" She told me that Ukrainians were inflating their numbers of exposed persons, that their so-called invalids "didn't want cover." She saw the illnesses of this group as a "struggle for power and mater sources related to the disaster." 

"The story of Anton and Halia (age forty-two in 1997) shows the ways such com- plicity functioned in the most personal arenas. The new institutions, procedures, and actors that were at work at the state level, at the research clinic, and at the level of civic organizations were making their way into the couple's kvartyra (apartment). Anton's identity as a worker, his sense of masculinity, and his role as a father and breadwinner were being violently dislocated and altered in the process "



The information in this study can be used to offer help to couples after disasters, as it shows that counseling may be needed to help aleviate some of the issues at hand. While counseling may not be readily available with all of the other disaster relief that is going on, it should be reconized as something that may be necessary to help the recovery process and ensure greater safety.