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“The emotionally disturbed patient was punched multiple times in the face by the cops on July 20”

“Pt. was struck in the face by an officer ... pt. spit in the face of an officer, whereupon the officer punched the pt. in the face multiple times”

“After the first round of punches, the patient was "taken off the stretcher to the ground and restrained again, pt. was thrown by ESU again on to my stretcher”



I looked up

1. International response to the Ebola epidemic

- from

   I learned about how the UN coordinated various organizations, including UNICEF, the World Food Programme, and the WHO in their individual persuits to end the transmission of ebola in Liberia, including providing food, hygene kits, medical supplies and care, and how within 3 months of international joint operations the transmission rate of ebola was deacreased to zero.

2. Health Care in Liberia


While physical access to primary health care has improved dramatically across Liberia, from one health facility serving an average of 8000 population in 2006 to one health facility per 5500 population in 2009, it is still not nearly enough, and the existing resources of medications, supplies, and facilities can and do become overwhelmed when faced with new challenges. 

3. Liberain public health response to the ebola crisis.…

As international support came into the country at the outbreak of ebola, Liberian public health structures and political institutions were unable to cope with the new strains and were rendered ineffective. Meetings between liberian health officials and international organizations that were lauded to the public as being "effective" were consistantly bogged down in politics, resulting in the inefficient implimentation of programs and the poor distribution of despritely needed resources.



Emergency response is not specifically mentioned in this article, as the focus of the article is investigation in the aftermath of disaster. In some cases, such as the Iroquois Theater Fire and the World Trade Center, investigations found that had more adequite emergency fire response been available at the time of the accident the outcome of the disaster could have been much different.



The Ebola Response Anthropology Platform is funded by a grant which is from Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme. It is overseeing, executed and managed by the Wellcome Trust and DFIF. As well as the platform is collaborate with other Ebola response anthropology initiatives, within Emergency Ebola Anthropology Network and francophone SHS Ebola Network. 


Annotation of

The media mention the Live Box is good to use for natural disaster and helping people. As well as the transport is important, the more resource can be sent to disaster zone, the more people can be helped and saved. It not only can send by car, but also airdrop. There are 192 Life Boxes could be fit into a 50 feet long truck. An Live Box could be carry by two people and easy to use. (Link:…;