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With its large amount of citations and a wide variety of sources, we can extrapolate that this research article was made with a good deal of time and care. There are even citations to other works by Galea, but it appears that the only original research done for the article was interviewing responders and patients.


Annotation of

As previously mentioned in question two, there is a lot of features that Clod9 offered to specific group of users. With these features and functions, the users can connect together.

ž   Patients: Conveniently take and learn from self-assessments; Easily talk to providers via live video; Track daily emotional and mental states; Save time and money

ž   Providers: Extend patient reach and service area; Gain insights from mobile patient generated data; Cut practice overhead costs; Add new revenues via newly reimbursable CPT codes

ž   Organizations: Create patient and provider efficiencies; Easily integrate as much or little as needed; Leverage new administrative analytics; Lower costs / new revenue / new CPT codes



The main argument that Sonja makes is that there does not exist any international organization with capabilities and expertise to respond to nuclear disasters. Further, with talk of forming such an organization/team since Fukushima, any international nuclear disaster strike team will need to have good relations with the communities and workers that they help as well as good communication at the international level to see the maximum effective response.