Citizen science and stakeholders involvement
Metztli hernandezCITIZEN SCIENCE
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
This may not be the right place to post/share this, and I am happy to delete or move it! But I wanted to make a plug for the 1619 Project, and this post in particular, as helpfully complementing some of the other readings (such as McKittrick and Moore et al) on America's plantation history.…
The Red Cross strives to help those in need in a time of a disaster, whether it be blood drives, supply, drives or personell.
This film suggests that the United States government and the United States Marine Corp should take corrective action in supporting those affected by cancer from the mishandlings of the polluted water and they should take action in cleaning up pollution on bases throughout the United States and communities nearby.
Researchers use this system in order to find correlations between 9/11 and health disorders as well as to collect data about those who were exposed during 9/11.
“legal protection for sick people was still considerably reduced by a decision of the European court of human rights… a Ugandan woman suffering from an advanced stage of AIDS. The court refused the women’s appeal [to stay in Britain for medical reasons] and authorized her deportation."
“Sometimes the foreigner, too, is no more than his body, but this body is no longer the same: useless to the political economy, it now finds its place in a new moral economy that values suffering over labor and compassion more than rights.”
“The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit.”
One way Schmid supports her argument of unification through her discussion and presentation of data from nuclear organizations that single countries have attempted to establish but could not take authority because the practices of nuclear science were still in question. Schmid also discusses that in order to allow proper emergency response individual companies need to share the types of reactors they are using so responders understand the equipment they will have to deal with. Lastly Schmid discusses how nuclear response needs to be more of an international because when a nuclear disaster does strike it is not just the nation in ownership of the nuclear facility that is affected.