The Radiological Protection System - Steve Terada
Steve Terada
Masters Student, Nagasaki University
Department of Disaster Radiation Medical Sciences
Joint Graduate Course with Fukushima Medical University
Dhruv.Patelas stated in the article two things have been done to help prevent sewage in overflow is that, "Nearly 65 overflows already have been permanently closed off, according to the Dept. of Environmental Protection." also, many other communities spent millions of dollars to install grates and shields on the overflow pipes. this would help prevent most trash from entering the system.
Dhruv.PatelThe EPA has a large impact to help minimize the hazard. one of the few things that they are doing is provinding the "critical science to develop and implement outdoor air regulations under the Clean Air Act and puts new tools and information in the hands of air quality managers and regulators to protect the air we breathe." also, the EPa designated areas that meet and dont meet the the standards for the PM standards and ozone standards.
tiago.dossanto…Newark is notably a more poor community then the rest of NJ. This alarming study comes to show that economic differences can affect the area you live. The problem is that these people probably didn't have enough money to settle anywhere else, and the prices of housing in the ironbound community must be cheaper then other places for the reasons cited, such as air pollution. The community is near the port and industrial area, so it's very hard to get away from the pollution. At least they are trying to keep an eye out for the problems of pollution, and with the help of the EPA, the ironbound community now monitors the air quality.
Dhruv.PatelNewark recommends to have things like handy in case they are needed:
- flashlights
- batteries
- a first aid kit
- emergency food and water
- a non electric can opener
- medicines
- cash
they also recommend to put these things in a room that you deem safe along with a battery operated tv/radio, charge all your electronics and turn all the propane tanks in your possession off before the storm
Dhruv.PatelIn this article, It talks mainly about New Jerseys CSO communities and how the CSO's are and have been making steps towards reducing overflow and even though the current solutions being used right now is a way to help reduce the overflow, these systems are also major sources of water pollution. however, CSO's plan to help reduce overflow and help prevent extensive damage from hurricanes will, be beneficial to the public even though it may take a few years for it to be completed and be of use to the public.
tiago.dossanto…EPA is doing its best to try and minimize the extend of the air pollution in Newark. They are trying to make life better for the ironbound community, that deals with a big problem when it comes to air pollution, since its near the second biggest port in the country. They provide training for citizens so they can use the machines that look up how much pollution is in the air, annd with that information the population can do as they please. This program is not only for the ironbound community, it can be use troughout the country so the population can have control on the air pollution and do something about it if they want.
Dhruv.Patelin March of 2016, environmental officials had finally decided to remove over a century worth of toxins and waste from the lower 8 miles of the Passaic River. This part of the river was known as the most dangerously tainted portion of the river.
This case study report was developed in the class “Advanced Social Medicine'' in the Nagasaki University|Fukushima Medical University Joint Graduate School, Division of Disaster and Radiation Medic