Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective
This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
Policing Our Students
Million Dollar Hod Project Report on Policing in LA Schools
The Right to Remain Students
ACLU report on school policing in the state of California
ACLU of Southern California
Website for the Southern California branch of the The American Civil Liberties Union
Million Dollar Hood Project
UCLA research project mapping out LA policing statistics
LA School Police
LA Unified School Police Website
KRISTIJONAS.KERTENISThe incredible amount of awful potholes in Newark called for this report. This report lists all of the streets and the dates that they will be paved in Newark, and it is one fat list. Newark roads are awful. Bad roads=poor infrastructure= weak resilience. If there is a disaster, someone who lives in a poor area may hit a pothole and be completely stranded and die, as a result of the poor infrastructure of our roads in Newark. I once hit a pothole in Newark and the bang from my wheel hitting the edge of the hole was loud and drastic enough for me to worry about a flat tire. I didn't get a flat, fortunately, but my tire frame was bent.