BLM's Land Ownership/Jurisdiction National Data
This map shows federal and state lands, demarcating federal land that falls under the management of the Department of Defense, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Aff
City of St. Louis Open Data
City of St. Louis Open Data
BLM's Data Portal
This site contains publicly available data about BLM-managed areas.
Culture, Energy, Power Collaborative Project Statement
This statement outlines our goals for the Biomass project, what materials we assembled, and our guiding theoretical compasses for analysis of our work during Dr.
Health data as evidence
ATroitzschData infrastructure supporting recognition of the anthropocenic air pollution in the context of the 6th Naphtha plants is the collection of health related and biological data, as it could be one possibility to sue. The data collected in scientific studies mentioned in the film were the concentration of a certain metabolite (produced when being exposed to VCM) in the bodies of children visiting the schools nearby and the incidence of cancer in the surrounding area. Doing medical and epidemiological research on these topics could help to set regulations. And - and that's maybe even more important to the people affected - if you can prove that you got a disease from being near the factory, you might be able to sue.
Environmental Injustice in Eastern North Carolina, USA
Project page for research on environmental injustice in Eastern North Carolina, USA.
This database (which can be visualized on an interactive map or searched for documents/fact sheets) houses information on drinking water, water quality, air quality, environmental response & re