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Ecuador Acidification

This PECE essay details the quotidian anthropocene in Ecuador utilizing the Questioning Quotidian Anthropocenes analytic developed for the Open Seminar River School.


Annotation of

The Waiting Room, a documentary film addressing the conversation about health care reform and equal access to care, goes through the lives of those in the emergency room of a hospital. It addresses the problem that some families have no other choice, but to visit the ER, since they do not have a PCP (Primary Care Provider) or insurance.  Additional unforeseen cases, such as trauma, arrests, and individuals that have very urgent needs only naturally make the wait longer. 


Alexi Martin

7. The article’s bibliography is extensive, this points out that there was time and effort put in place to gather the proper evidence in order to prove their argument. There is also a lot of supporting evidence, proving that the argument is valid.


Alexi Martin

The main findings/arguements presented in this article is the need to stop putting the possibility of a nuclear disaster on the back burner and becoming more well versed in how to handle these accidents and how to prevent them from occuring. This can be accomplished by creating an internation SWAT team that is trained to handle international nuclear diasters.