10 things to characterize grocery stores as COVID-19 workplaces
guiding question:
What characterizes grocery stores as COVID-19 workplaces?
meta question:
About the 2014 Be Air Aware: A Healthier Home in a Changing Environment Workshop
This provides a short description of the 2014 Be Air Aware: A Healthier Home in a Changing Environment Workshop.
About the 2016 Train the Trainer Workshop
This is a short description of 2016 Train the Trainer Workshops.
About the 2015 Talking About Climate Change Workshop
This provides a short summary of the 2015 Talking About Climate Change Workshop.
Liberty Lutheran
This links to the Liberty Lutheran Website. Julia Menzo is the Director of Community Outreach at Liberty Lutheran.
This links to the Philadelphia Department of Public Health's website. Alex Skula is a Public Health Preparedness Analyst in the Division of Disease Control at the