Andreas_Rebmann-The “disaster investigation,” far from proving itself the dispassionate, scientific verdict on causality and blame, actually emerges as a hard-fought contest to define the moment in politics and society, in technology and culture.
-Investigators had no power to protest the decision. In fact, their initial request to inspect the steel had been lost in the confusion by city officials still pressed with the responsibility of looking for bodies.
-Clashes over authority among powerful institutions both public and private, competition among rival experts for influence, inquiry into a disaster elevated to the status of a memorial for the dead: these are the base elements of the World Trade Center investigation. And yet, give a brief historical review shows us these elements are not unique.
Andreas_RebmannI cannot find a precise statement, but it appears that they are grant/unviersity funded research.
Andreas_RebmannAs appeared, all from UCSF:
Vincanne Adams, PhD of Anthropology and fromer directer and vice chair of Medical Anthropology. She is within the department of Anthro, Hsitory, and Social Medicine. This is incrediable relevant to disasters and disaster response. She includes in her interested Global Health and Disaster Recovery as well.
Taslim van hattum, Director of Behavioral Health Integration at Louisiana Public Health Institute, with a background in Maternal and Child Health. Relative to this article and to disasters in general mental health is incrediable important, and children are much more at risk during a disaster than adults are.
Diana English, for some reason I couldn't find anything on her.
Andreas_RebmannThe bibliography is organized into subcategories, such as 'Health Services' and 'Social Environment and Behavior', suggesting a heavily multi-disciplinary approach. It is also quite long for a 12 page article, due to the summary style that the article intended, suggesting a thorough knowledge of the subject.
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What characterizes grocery stores as COVID-19 workplaces?
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