Fieldnote Nov 22 2022 - 2:27pm
There are two main environmental conflicts in Staßfurt that are frequently discussed and still remain unresolved to this day.
There are two main environmental conflicts in Staßfurt that are frequently discussed and still remain unresolved to this day.
Staßfurt is often termed "The cradle of Potash-Mining" (see for example a newspaper article here: https://www.volkss
The image shows the current "Salt-fairy" of Staßfurt, a representative of Staßfurt that is elected on a yearly basis by a comitee.
The document is a press release by the State Administration Office of Saxony-Anhalt with the title "Discharge permit for CIECH Soda Deutschland GmbH & Co.
The document is a socio-economic study by the Plejades Group (, a strategic consulting firm that claims to consist of "independent experts".
The foto shows an old tipping lorry that was used for underground mining. It is now used as a monument to remember visitors of the long tradition of Salt mining in Staßfurt.
This video was produced by the local news agency "BBG LIVE - Das Salzlandmagazin" and shows a march with folklore mining uniforms and a performance of the Steigerlied (traditional german miner's so
This report by the State Hydrological Service of Saxony-Anhalt shows that states agencies have known for years that CIECH Soda does not adquately treats its waste water.
The enviromental NGO "BUND Sachsen-Anhalt" and the LAV (State Anglers Association) announce in a press release that they have filed a lawsuit against the permit of the State Administration Office o