Sherily's feedback
Sherily05110228Perhaps this eating habit is not a special case. You can ask different families if they have similarities or differences.
Perhaps this eating habit is not a special case. You can ask different families if they have similarities or differences.
This week's class was planned by Molly, who used shells to make decorations with the elders. The finished product is a bit like a wind chime.
This week's communication was very diverse. Originally, we were supposed to scan photos, but our group of grandmas forgot to bring them, so we spent the entire conversation.
The sky was gray, and I felt a bit nervous.
This week, the groups were regrouped, the interviewees were slightly different, and two more lively grandmas were added.
We spent this week's class with the older generation of Cultural Health Station. As soon as we entered the classroom, we danced and exercised with the elderly.
這週的課,我們是和老一輩文化衛生站一起度過的。一進教室,我們就和老人一起跳舞、鍛煉身體。之後,我們按照小組名單與我們的部落家庭會面。今天,我們主要會見了家裡開雜貨店的溫奶奶。在開始與部落居民互動之前,Scott 分享了他之前與土著朋友錄製的幾段傳統音樂錄音,並提醒我們與部落成員聊聊音樂相關的內容。
A brief essay about St. Louis' notorious eminent domain history--
--along with 2 recent St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles about "urban renewal" projects that are scheduled to reoccupy the Mill Flats area, which hosted the most notorious episode of displacement of African-American communities: the Chouteau Greenway project (will it serve or displace low-income St. Louisans?); and SLU's Mill Creek Flats high-rise project, which certainly will, and whose name seems to me an especially tone-deaf if gutsy move...
“During our interviews in Turkey, many of the conversations we had - with those suffering seizures, with family members, persons in the community, and health care providers - were made up largely of stories. We were told stories of the sudden and shocking onset of seizures or fainting, of particularly dramatic episodes of seizures or extended loss of consciousness, of years of efforts in which families and individuals engaged in a quest to find a cure, of especially memorable interactions with physicians and with religious healers, and of experiences at work, with friends, and, for example, in marriage negotiations that were influenced by the illness.”
“The same issue was raised in our attempts to elicit a "history" of the illness _ again, a problem shared by physicians who attempt to elicit a clinical history. The stories we heard were life stories, and the temporal structure was organized around events of importance to individuals and families.”
“Narrative is a form in which experience is represented and recounted, in which events are presented as having a meaningful and coherent order, in which activities and events are described along with the experiences associated with them and the significance that lends them their sense for the persons involved. But experience always far exceeds its description or narrativization.”