Testproject DM
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
in March of 2016, environmental officials had finally decided to remove over a century worth of toxins and waste from the lower 8 miles of the Passaic River. This part of the river was known as the most dangerously tainted portion of the river.
one of the main issues that presents itself when hurricanes do occur is that the drainage systems become very clogged and end up flooding the streets. In response to this, on July 1, "new state permits went into effect for the 25 municipalities, sewage treatment plants, and sewage authorities that manage systems with CSOs. In addition to the steps these entities already have taken to control overflows, they now must develop comprehensive Long-Term Control Plans." (paragraph 5) If everything is able to function properly, we will be able to unclog the drainage systems allowing for the roads to not flood and people to move around if need be.
there are some pollutants that affect the community and in other places:
Hurricane Sandy impacted the community by distroying homes and landscapes. The Red Cross's decision to give out $310M as a recovery of the Hurricane is such a great way to step on solving such a vulnerabilitial hazard. Hurricane Sandy impacted buildings and lives, including children who lost their homes. Having a fund for the recovery of such an event is a great way to help people who lost their homes or beloved ones. Government started to help the hurricane victims right after the Hurricane by providing them homes or food. However, I believe that having a fund for recovery will be more flixable to help the hurrican victims. Lots of families lost family members in the hurrican. The Red Cross is helping with money, which cannot bring lives back. However, I believe that I is relieving to just think about those victims and consider them in the plan as well. There also lots of organizations were helping with the recovery form Hurricane Sandy by providing volunteers to build up houses and volunteers to make children recover from the event by providing performing arts. $310M fund will help those organizations do their job of building houses and bring kids' spirits back.
nothing was really done to prevent anything from happening. The river was known for its dirty and polluted waters which occured due to years of industrial toxin buildup in the waters.
In the College of New Jersey Hurrican Sandy oral history, The oral collected some information about residents affected by Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey. All the stories about the effects of such a hazard include all groups and classes of people, such as poor or rich, young and old, and families and single people. Hurrican Sandy's damages were distributed among all groups of people, by destroying houses, drowning people, and lost of electricity and water for days and months. This oral history shows the different stories and events of all the different groups that were affected really bad in the Hurrican