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As they sustain in their web page, their goal is: no poverty, zero hunger, good health weel being, quality educational, gender quality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastucture, reduced inequality, sustainable cities, partnership goals, peace, justice, strong institucions, life below water, and much much more.

What is more they divide their focus, though, on three ways: sustainable development, democratic governance and climate and disaster resiliance.



While this policy doesn't directly address public health, it does concern the rights and protection of displaced persons. They recognize the stressful situations that refugees are in and that welfare resources will be needed to help them. They discuss housing rights and rights to public education. While these might not be medical treatments, they would help with public health and are associated with overall well-being of these refugees. 



Because this is an academy, it does have tuition and fees. They are outlined as: Tuition, per credit hour: $981. Academic Support Fee, per semester: $420. Additional Fees (mandatory):$590 -- (Student Activity: $120, Health Center: $320, Reily Center: $150). Medical Insurance, per academic year: $3,030. Assuming people don't waive the medical insurance, take 16 credit hours (as is the norm for RPI), the yearly cost is: $20,156. 

The Provost's Office provides students up to $500 for travel needed to present a poster or paper at a conference. There are other opportunities to be granted money with the purpose of travel for conferences or training opportunities. 

Other than this information, I could not find who else would fund this academy. I can assume that Tulane takes on part of the burden as well as governmental agencies in their partner countries. 



The main point of this article is that there is a crisis in Canada regarding mental health and suicide. Specifically within the Inuit population, a group of Aboriginal People in northern Canada. This issue has been ongoing for many decades, and despite the calls for emergency and the recognition of a crisis, little work has been done to help and prevent further suicide attempts. 


In response to

The triages are shown in a flow-chart type of visualization. The rest are on a selection basis. For example, for management algorithms, we are first given the option of: Incident Orientation, Contamination: Diagnose/Manage, Exposure: Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome, and Exposure & Contamination. Clicking one leads you to further flow charts describing the actions that should be taken place. Within those exists more information in order to help healthcare providers make correct, educated decisions on treatment.