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The article uses data from sources such as the Aid Worker Security Database, interviews and focus groups. The Aid Worker Security Database, as aforementioned, produces very little data in comparison to how large the problem is suspected to be. 


  • "My argument is that while humanitarianism, in conjunction with certain feminist movements, may work to medicalise and depoliticise gender-based violence, the politics of gender actually creep back in undercover, revealing problems at the heart of the humanitarian mission – problems that undermine the very idea of a ‘humanitarian space’ critical to humanitarian action, that is, a space that tries to temporarily hold the political at bay."
  • "MSF argued in their essays on the Congo that one reason for not taking rape seriously was that women who had experienced sexual assualt were not ideal subjects of aid; since they could not be easily identified with images of innocence."
  • "I argue that the shift to gender-based violence as the exemplary humanitarian problem could not have happened without the prior move to medicalise gender-based violence, and render it a medical condition like all others."


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One of the things that I was going to follow up on was the Campaign to Shut Down Rikers, but unfortunately the website has been shut down, and currently holds no content. There is currently no explanation as to why the website was taken down; at least that I could find.



This article has a very lengthy bibliography which contains a variety of government resources for data collection. Many of other papers cited focus on Katrina response, this shows the ideals this article are widley supported by other researchers and scholars.



The article addresses emergency response in two ways by addressing emergency medicine in a long and short-term fashion. It talks about first responder contamination, and whether or not the containment was well handled. The review of the past emphasizes a greater need to prepare for the future. Another part of the article discusses the severe number of individuals that were affected, and thus the problems arising from such a large number of individuals. 


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The Waiting Room, being a documentary, uses a plethora of personal annecdotes in order to support the argument emotionally. The arguement is supported from more than one direction which, in my opinion, makes this such an empowering film. The film combats the problem from both the patient and clinical side showing frustrations on both sides.