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The Waiting Room, a documentary film addressing the conversation about health care reform and equal access to care, goes through the lives of those in the emergency room of a hospital. It addresses the problem that some families have no other choice, but to visit the ER, since they do not have a PCP (Primary Care Provider) or insurance.  Additional unforeseen cases, such as trauma, arrests, and individuals that have very urgent needs only naturally make the wait longer. 



1. The study in Baltimore showed that with a reduction in the influence of socio-economic factors in patients receiving health care services. The studies showed that with their increased awareness and effort the socioeconomic disparities largely vanished. Unfortunately this is also underscored by the emergence of HIV which is resistant to multiple drugs. 

2. The use of the PIH model in Haiti was shown to have positive results there, so much so that it was adapted in Rwanda. The greater challenges faced by this group is water quality and gender inequality.

3. Another way the argument is supported is by discussing the ways that clinicians can help to intervene in structural violence.