Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde, October 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on formaldehyde.
Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde
Op-ed for October 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene, September 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on benzene.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
ciera.williamsThe artice cites WHO preparadness plans and Doctors without Borders as sources of policy on emergency response, in the context of global health. With the rise in infectious disease, there is a risk for "global threat" that is not directly targeted at a group, but rather engineered through social and economic factors. This means that emrgency preparadness is key. However, the article metions the use of Emergency repsonse as a bit of a cop-out. It is much easier to plan for the worst than prevent it from happening. The author states "... measures focused on mitigating potential emergencies are easier to implement rhan longer-term structural interventions."
ciera.williamsThe film would have the most impact on the general population, like something that would be played on a news channel before prime time. The level of emotional appeal and interpersonal drama is enough to keep anyone intersted for the length of the film. The film does however paint the experience in a negative light, which could discourage professionals from pursuin mission worlk. Thats why the general population would be most receptive to the struggles. Its easy for them to say "I would do something like that if...." without having the ability to do anything.
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, led by RISE St. James.