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Annotation of

This group works with American natives and is a Federal agency so its conceptions of disaster and healthcare are politically based. This group's benefits focus on the needs of the native population assessed by information collected through the U.S. Census and other surveys.



"Third, additional studies are needed of interventions that aim to prevent or reduce symptoms of mental illness among disaster victims (42, 49). Although some interventions have been deemed efficacious in randomized controlled studies, effectiveness studies are needed to evaluate how well interventions work in the general population with practicing clinicians (38) and how well they prevent or reduce comorbid depression and substance use disorders..."

"The disaster context introduces additional methodological challenges, over and above the challenges that affect all studies of mental health, in four key areas: defining the target population, obtaining a representative sample of affected persons from this population, implementing an appropriate study design, and measuring key constructs"

"Psychological first aid (PFA) has become the preferred post-disaster intervention, with three goals: Secure survivors’ safety and basic necessities (e.g., food, medical supplies, shelter), which promotes adaptive coping and problem solving; reduce acute stress by addressing post-disaster stressors and providing strategies that may limit stress reactions; and help victims obtain additional resources that may help them cope and regain feelings of control."


In response to

Since I've-Been-Violated was the only one I could figure out, I have a detailed description:

The app starts with a registration page asking for name, phone number, and email. It also asks for access to the camera. The next page is a terms of use defining the contract you are entering when downloading and registering for the app. The information page has instructions:

  1. Begin to tell your story by following the on-screen instructions. The Red Button will start and stop the video recording. You have the option to record an individual video is needed. There wil be three separate screens, each prompting you on what to say.
  2. An encrypted record of you story is created and stored for future retrieval (through the proper channels) on our offline storage servers. NO video will be available directly to you or anyone else.
  3. When and if you are ready to tell your story to the appropriate authorities, the app will bolster your credibility by giving these authorities access to evidence that you recorded approximately contemporaneously with the incident.
  4. Please consider getting help from the appropriate medical authorities.

The interface is simple with a button to start the log, the info button, and the personal info icon (wich you can update)



One argument presented is that public engagement leads to increased vigilance and emergency preparedness. Nuclear emergency response should not be governed by one elite body of scientists. Information should be crowd sourced from the public to increase awareness and transparency and lead to more ideas as well as public support. Another argument presented is that risk prevention has historically been the focus of governing bodies instead of risk acceptance and emergency response. A nuclear reactor being placed near the ocean is more fiscally responsible but natural disasters are unavoidable, regardless of the amount of risk prevention that has been taken. Instead, the focus should be on emergency response after natural disaster strikes. Safety is also sometimes substituted for profitability.



The main arguments brought up in this article are the shift in thought from nuclear disaster prevention to disaster response and the importance of the STS community in providing input for policy. From these arguments, another is proposed in the form of the need for an international nuclear disaster response team.