Alexi MartinThe report's bibliography indicates thorough research. The sources listed are credible and valid indicating validity and accuracy to the conclusions drawn in the article.
The report's bibliography indicates thorough research. The sources listed are credible and valid indicating validity and accuracy to the conclusions drawn in the article.
The article’s bibliography explains the extensive research that was put into the article. The resources used were not only online references, so they took time to gather.
" the incorportation of health status in the provisions of the law, initially as a block to deportation and subsequently as grounds for granting residence, marked as a watershed."
"The logic of state soverignty in the control of migration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life."
"His body is finally the only social resource capable of causing a comparison that has been translated into law and would prehaps allow him to be granted permission to remain."
The actors that were behind the report was the government. It was a governent ordered report by the second session of the 109th congress,.
While I cannot find a direct link between Cloud 9 and other software platforms, other online services and apps have similar features that offer counseling, but none that are readily available that link providers and patients directly.
The program is located worldwide in many countries such as Eastern Europe, Italy and the US, to name a few. The resources are also located online and can be purchased and taught to individuals depending on the needd- for example general citizens or first responders (trained persons or the general population).
The central argument/narrative of the film is explaining what the Fukishima nuclear meltdown was and what was done to contain the explosions and the subsquent radiation that was leaking into the atmosphere. How to restore power to the plant in order to contain the fuel rods and prevent meltdown. Indirectly the argument was to persuade the public to be more informed about nuclear power and the affects it could have on the world- to learn how to prevent nuclear disasters; make emergency nuclear response teams.
The study was not funded it was on a volunteer basis, where particpiants would be paid for their time and information gathered would be used for the study.
This study addresses vulnerable popoulations because it centers around third world countries that are affected by natural disasters. It also supports the need for preparation for natural disasters. It addresses these populations by stressing the need to see the connection of those who cannot have access to clean water, food, etc in certain situations.
"MSF argued in their essays on the Congo that one reason for not taking rape seriously was that women who had experienced sexual assualt were not ideal subjects of aid; since they could not be easily identified with images of innocence."
"It seems that MSF workers assumed that sexual violence would bring aparticular soft of share, greater than that accompanying other forms of violence or brutaility; and therefore should be kept in a quiet, confidential, in the private relm"
"The question is how exactly a humanitarian response shares what constitutes sexual vioelnce and who 'gets sick' with it, particulary when humanitarism plays an increasingly important role in governing crisis zones."