Copyright Basics
Website with an excellent (and brief) explanation of fair use to copyrighted materials, along with a useful fair-use checklist that can be used to assist in fair-use analysis.
Campus Copyright: Rights and Responsibilities
This policy guide explains the basics of American copyright law as it concerns universities, scholars, and scholarly publishers.
maryclare.crochiereThey do not seem to be very unique in any way, just the fact that they respond quickly, with plenty of resources, and the desire to do good with the resources they have, makes them a good organization. Their nurses and workers are highly trained but also have compassion, so they do not come off as trying to take over, but rather as trying to help the community from the bottom up.
maryclare.crochiereThe platform has posts that are tagged with varios topics, and each is under one of the following categories: identifing and diagnosing, mananging the dead, caring for the sick, research/clinical trials, preparedness, comminication and engagement. There are field notes, briefings and guides, and background types of posts. These filters allow someone to quickly search for a topic and a type of post so that they can find what they need and read up on a topic before they may be faced with a similar situation. If you have information you want to post, you can email in and they will post it.
This timeline tracks how California state and local governments tackled the evolving COVID-19 crisis since the first case was detected.