EiJ Photo Essay: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Photo essay for Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
Image: Soil Liquefaction Potential Maps, Yunlin County
The surface soil layer with loose soil and water-saturated soil not only has an amplifying effect on ground motions, but also may cause soil liquefaction.
Timeline: Formosa Plastics' Development & Investments
Image: Mk2010, via Wikicommons.
Image: Collage of Yunlin County
This is a collage of photos representing Yunlin County, including photos of the Xingang Fengtian Temple (Beigang), farmland (Dongshih), and
seanw146More focus on the care, treatment, containment, and management of contagious diseases like Ebola would have increased its educational value, especially to first responders.
Sara.TillOften considered a "social disease" HIV/AIDS can be linked to certain social groups and subsequent behaviors within these groups. Taking this a step further, poor prognosis in treatment can be linked to social stratification. In the early 90's in Baltimore, a study was performed that linked race to reception of timely medical intervention. Modifications to the programs, such as removing insurance status as a determining factor for care, drastically reduced racially-biased outcomes. In the Rwandan campaign, Partners in Health instituted proximal care to rural regions-- the areas where care was most significantly lacking. This, in turn, can greatly mitigate the effects of social violence. Moreover, structural interventions (such as changing the accepted and prescribed practices of international bodies) can greatly reduce the effects of disease within a population. This includes such things as when and how drugs are administered, who is receiving medications, and changing conventional practices proven to enhance the spread of disease.
Sara.TillThis chapter from the work "Medicine, Rationality, and Experience: an anthropological perspective" seems to most frequently appear on websites for various Universities and Colleges. Moreover, the work as a whole seems to have been cited several times by subsequent reports further defining patient narration and medical relations.
Setting description.