Gulf Coast Overflights for Environmental and Disaster Monitoring
Various flights with SouthWings to document Gulf Coast infrastructure and pollution.
Various flights with SouthWings to document Gulf Coast infrastructure and pollution.
The article addresses emergency response in two ways by addressing emergency medicine in a long and short-term fashion. It talks about first responder contamination, and whether or not the containment was well handled. The review of the past emphasizes a greater need to prepare for the future. Another part of the article discusses the severe number of individuals that were affected, and thus the problems arising from such a large number of individuals.
The Waiting Room, being a documentary, uses a plethora of personal annecdotes in order to support the argument emotionally. The arguement is supported from more than one direction which, in my opinion, makes this such an empowering film. The film combats the problem from both the patient and clinical side showing frustrations on both sides.
These application systems were designed to serve anyone who was a victim of sexual assault.
This program was started in Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Charon and colleges believed that physicians have become far too clinical and are only treating based on symptoms. Their efforts are the reason the program exists today.
I have never hear about the 3 Mile Island accident, so I researched that. I had never heard of the fact that this happened kinda close to home. Granted it was only a partial meltdown, but still.
One argument presented is that public engagement in technical decisions can lead to great vigilance and confidence in emergency preparedness and that decisions governing technologies should not be left to the scientist. There is benefit in including lay people and STS scholars. This also includes public awareness about emergency response instead of one elite governing body controlling what is best for the public. Nuclear emergency responses must be transparent.
All data was collected through in field studies. They implemented a structure a tested to see how if affected the population.
The students who complete the program receive a PhD after either 4 or 5 years, as described above
The report consists of the main article followed by a response from Andrea Binder of the Global Public Policy Institute.