Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde, October 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on formaldehyde.
Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde
Op-ed for October 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene, September 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on benzene.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
jaostranderThis article focuses in on the cutural beliefs that influence how a patient may interpret and relay the "narrartive" of their disease. The article shows a connection between the physical impact of a disease on a patient, how the disease is percieved in their culture, and how they describe the disease and seek treatment for it.
ciera.williamsThis document was drafted and approved by the 111th US Congress
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, led by RISE St. James.