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Doctors without Borders (MSF) is an organization that provides emergnecy medical aid to communities affeted by conflict, epidemics, disasters, and more. It's composed of mostly physicians and other health care workers, but is accepting of individuals which will help it achieve it's goals. MSF takes a neutral stance on issues as they only strictly abide by medical ethics.



“we have seen that it is possible to decrease the extent to which social inequalities become embodied as health disparities”

“National health insurance and other social safety nets, including those that guarantee primary education, food security, and clean water, are important because they promise rights, rather than commodities, to citizens.”


“: structural violence remains a high­ranking cause of premature death and disability”



The authors used reports and statistics from international health organizations such as WHO. They also gathered information from think tanks like RAND. Additionally, to support the claims made in this article the authors looked at how biological outbreaks and threats were dealt with in the past, specifically World War II and the wars with Iran.