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Institutional and State-Sanctioned Risks


The United States has pride itself in their progressive turn to address racism, however, they have done so without directly addressing the root cause in fundamental issues of race, gender, and sexu

Found image: 50 shades of Latinx

The United States adopted the term Latino in the 2000 U.S. Census. The term Latino means Latin and was created to refer to people who are from Latin America.




Sonja D. Schmid is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech. Her area of expertise is in the history of technology, science and technology policy, and social studies of risk. Specifically, Schmid researches the history and the organization of nuclear industries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. With respect to emergency response, Schmid has studied how agencies and personel have responded to nuclear disasters.

A recent article Schmid has written: Schmid, Sonja D. "What If There's a next Time? Preparedness after Chernobyl and Fukushima - A European-American Response." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. N.p., 01 July 2016. Web. 05 Sept. 2016.



"Does our clinical practice acknowledge what we already know—namely, that social and environmental forces will limit the effectiveness of our treatments?"

"This means working at multiple levels, from “distal” interventions—performed late in the process, when patients are already sick—to “proximal” interventions—trying to prevent illness through efforts such as vaccination or improved water and housing quality."

"Yet risk has never been determined solely by individual behavior: susceptibility to infection and poor outcomes is aggravated by social factors such as poverty, gender inequality, and racism."



This group works in varying social ecologies therefore requiring it to be very flexible and prepared for the any possible social ecology it may encounter. It can range from sparse medical facilities in Chad in which they have to set up working clinics and shelter for individuals to war-stricken Yemen in which Safe health locations are key to adequate healthcare.