Lead Pollution Data and Advocacy Resources (Santa Ana, California)
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
Maya is a science organizer with the Orange County Environmental Justice non-profit organization that focuses on low-income communities in the county that are exposed to pollutants more tha
Emergency responders in this were mostly in charge of the inhabinants in the surrounding communities, as many of the scenes were considered too unsafe for normal "emergency responders".
Schmid used various other books, research articles, and industry reports to write this article. Her research history of nuclear industry in Eastern Europe and Russia helped to strengthen the claims she made.
This article relates to public health as the conditions of the island prison are a health concern of themselves and other conditions exacerbate existing health issues of inmates on the island.
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This study was funded by Grants-in-aid for the Cancer Control Policy from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.
The article itself makes reference to works of another anthropologist but does not have a bibliography itself because it is part of a book.