Gulf Coast Overflights for Environmental and Disaster Monitoring
Various flights with SouthWings to document Gulf Coast infrastructure and pollution.
Various flights with SouthWings to document Gulf Coast infrastructure and pollution.
Vincanne Adams - Former director of Medical Anthropology with UC Berkeley.
Diana English - Assistant Professor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.
Taslim van Hattum - Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Research focuses on public health.
Financially they have to secure funding. They rely on private donations that may not always be consistent. They also have to maintain certified and experienced medical staff to provide care.. Finally the security and safety of their staff when they are in areas of conflict or high violence.
This article is referenced in approximately 40 peer reviewed papers, mostly focusing on the psychological effects of post-disaster mental health.
The Red Cross is seen as a positive in the public eye as a positive organization for the most part; however, there has been some negative news articles.
The article's main argument is that by depoliticizing sexual violence, the ability for sexual violence victims to receive humanitarian aid is drastically reduced.
This article has been referenced in various other articles, primarly focused on societal effects after disasters.
Poeple can post photos or photosets. People can comment and like the posts.
Participants are subjected to a 30 minute in person or telephone in regards to their mental and physical health.