Event | Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Remembering Fukushima, 2021

Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
revise before publication
revise before publication
This essay discusses the "afterlife" of Atomic America--an asynchronous online course that examines the nuclear sciences, technology, and engineering involved making atomic history in North America
The Living Data Research Group is composed of several researchers at Lancaster University (UK) who are involved in such fields as who work a
The Data Studies Program at UC Davis' Institute for Social Sciences was launched with the help of Joe Dumit.
Authored by Kim Fortun and Scott Frickel, this blog post argues that a disaster STS would be analytically productive and concludes by offering several frameworks for future research.