Reading Data Sets
Digital collection of annotated data sets.
COVID-19 Data Group Analytics
This is a list of analytics by the COVID-19 Data Group.
COVID 19 & Data Working Group Update: November 6, 2020
Research update by the COVID-19 Data Working Group.
Alexi MartinEmergency response was portrayed in the film through the team of engineers who tried to contain the problem, those who laid pipes to attempt to pump water into the reactors, the team of firefighters who sprayed water into the reactors, and the miltary crew who dropped water over the exposed fuel pools.
Alexi MartinThe article is supported through investigation of what the author thinks the person may have, the narrative of the seizures from the patient and the family and analyzed the information, overall supports the article.
Alexi MartinThe main findings of this article is that worldwide diasese cannot be trated with traditional methods such as giving medicines and/or placing clinics. The infrastructure needs to be changed, neighbors or family members to help implement procedures that prevent spread of diasese. For example AIDS is spread from mother to child from breast milk, to prevent this you cannot just tell mothers not to keep their children alive, instead the article supports the use of infrastrucutre-materials, to prevent the spread of infection through making sure they are helping prevent their infection through antibody treatment.
This is a COVID-19 data set/dashboard collected by researchers at Seoul National University.