Formosa Ha Tinh Steel, Vietnam

A profile of the Formosa Ha Tinh Steel (FHS) plant in Central Vietnam.
Sara.TillAs described by Governor Cuomo, Dallas was the first major US city to see an Ebola case. This, in turn, allowed New York leadership to have some semblance of what methods did or did not work when trying to contain the disease. Moreover, the policy was implemented in response to the major Ebola outbreaks occurring at this time. This included those within Africa, Europe, and cases seen in Dallas. Moreover, the policy follows the city's "Safe-than-sorry" methodology discussed by Governor Cuomo; he, along with other state and city leaders, believed assuming an Ebola outbreak would occur within the state would give them the best chance of mitigating its effects and minimizing disease spread.
Sara.TillJudge Batts: Deborah A Batts, sitting judge of the Manhattan Federal District Court at the time of these proceedings. She handed down the ruling that allowed the pursuit of the class action lawsuit.
Christie Whitman: Former EPA "leader" (chair) at the time of the 9/11 attacks. She and several other officials (unnamed in this article) are accused of misleading the public about air quality surrounding the tower site.
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency. Federal agency charged with matters pertaining to the environment, particularly those that concern public health. The EPA often aids in creating standards for environmental safety (including pollution and airborne particles).
Sara.TillThe foundation originally began through a five-year federal grant. Primarily, the foundation receives continued funding from federal grants. The majority of these appear to come from the National Institute of Health and are considered research grants; the prison populations serve as a fantastic resource for observing long-term treatments and disease progression, including methadone usage. Funding also comes from the state level, as RI sees the benefit of continually treating offenders, as their health problems become public health problems upon release. Additionally, there appears to be some private donation and funding as well.
Sara.TillThe platform itself allows for discussion and viewing of multiple segments. The associated organization allows for request of public viewing of the overall film; moreover, the overarching organization (and its web platform) allow for discussion on the page itself, with input from users and contact directly to the film makers and organizers
Sara.TillThe article discusses the provocation for the declaration of a "Suicide Crisis" in the Attawapiskat First Nation, and how this is not the first time a crisis has been declared with little to no result. The idea of mental health is still highly stigmatized, with movement just now occurring in federal chambers; the news article seeks to highlight how the stigma and lack of response only amplifies when you look at vulnerable populations, such as North America's native communities. It also highlights how much of the supposedly shocking information coming from this inquiry and crisis (the high percentage of suicides and attempts, the proliferation of depression and mood disorders, and the the lack of productive action or conversation) has been known for at least 20 years when the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People was released.
Sara.Till1) "The inclusion of a single anecdote in a research overview can lead to a reprimand, for reliance on storytelling."
2) "Because clinical observations often do pan out, they serve as lowlevel evidence — especially if they jibe with what basic science suggests is likely. To be sure, this approach, giving weight to the combination of doctors’ experience and biological plausibility, stands somewhat in conflict with the principles of evidencebased medicine"
3) "HERE is where I want to venture a radical statement about the worth of anecdote. Beyond its roles as illustration, affirmation, hypothesisbuilder and lowlevel guidance for practice, storytelling can act as a modest counterbalance to a straitened understanding of evidence."
Sara.TillThis study utilized a random sample of rape victim advocates to determine whether the current community systems and services work for these victims. As is mentioned in the introduction, the services for rape victims are typically separated in terms of legal, medical, mental health; studies tend to focus on these entities individually when evaluating their procedures, thus greatly narrowing the scope of the procedure. This study, therefore, aims to create a comprehensive view of the system as a whole and whether services provided to victims work in this larger context.