njia.smithThe source of resilence was local knowledge and community that wanted to see a difference from companies dumping trash in the water.
Richard.OppongManuA new 'switching site' was build to ensure less people would lose power in a disasterous storm like Hurricane Sandy.
njia.smiththe work and many things that aused more clean up after the storm sandy hit newark.
njia.smithMaking sure that damaged items from the storm are cut down or demolished just in case. Things from the community can not be all sloved without some help form neighboring communities.
njia.smithThey wanted to make the waters cleaner and help the enviroment get better.
njia.smithpeople had to find higher ground and move away from water, or large bodies of oceans. After the hurricane, communities and groups of individuals helped rebuild their homes.
Richard.OppongManuThe Jersey shore especially was vulnerable to a storm of this capcity, and showed how unprepared for the storm they were after the clouds settled. The boardwalk itself was obliterated and homes and roads were floodded. In New York, most train tranporttaion was halted as many of the lines had to undergo maintenance to bring it back to operating status.
njia.smithMaking sure that damaged items from the storm are cut down or demolished just in case.