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The authors, Andrew Lakoff and Stephen Collier both study anthropology. They have written several papers together focusing on the social and cultural types of knowledge concerning health and medicine. Lakoff works at the University of Southern California and Collier is the Director of Anthropology for the New School.



Users interact with the app through video recording in most cases, some of the apps prompt the user to speak and certain times while others are simply a way to send a help message to multiple people quickly. Many of the apps notify the user of a recording that proves they gave consent or that consent was specifically not given, as the apps purpose is to prevent sexual assault and awareness of a recording may prevent an incident from occurring.


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This policy allows Bethel Township, Ohio, paramedics and firefighters to carry concealed firearms on the job under existing gun and concealed carry laws. The implementation of this policy allows for each paramedic to decide if they want to carry a firearm and includes special training for anyone who decides to carry their personal firearm while on duty. The article states that paramedics and firefighters had been the victim of several attacks in which the 911 caller faked a medical condition or reported a fire in order to attack or kidnap the responders. This policy aims to provide a sense of security to responders as well as a means of defending themselves should the situation arise.



The main argument of this article is that the emergency response to 9/11 could have been more efficient and effective. The article cites a lack of communication between fire chiefs and firefighters in the towers, minimal cooperation between police and fire, as well as the determination of responding units to save as many people as possible even against orders to evacuate.



This artical taliking about new jersey urban water quality. Now CSO finding a solution to that hazard. It allready taken substantial steps toward reducing or ending overflows. This “solids and floatables” control is an example of system optimization,This also has reduced the amount of trash getting dumped into waterways via CSO outfalls.