jaostranderThe study used ultrasound to detect if there was cancerous masses in the subjects thyroid. If cancer was detected subjects underwent surgerical treatments.
The study used ultrasound to detect if there was cancerous masses in the subjects thyroid. If cancer was detected subjects underwent surgerical treatments.
The main point of this article is that because of political and economic issues/ disagreements the people of Haiti continue to suffer from cholera and help is not in the near future. The author supports this point by bringing up statistics from the political turmoil of Haiti's government, money and support the UN has given, money from USAID, and support from the Health Ministry.
The film best addresses any audience that has an interest in the medical field or care of patients. The film does not target a specific audience or require any background knowledge to understand the concepts occuring.
This organizations claims not to get involved in the political/ institutions of a country, but to provide medical care and relief to patients impartially. Their approach is to simply provide people with the care they need.
This article has been primarily referenced or discussed in other papers that discuss historical disasters.