EiJ Concept: Median Income
This essay explains the concept of "median income" and provides resources for teaching it in various contexts.
This essay explains the concept of "median income" and provides resources for teaching it in various contexts.
This affected the living conditions and lifestyls of many people who were attacked and destroyed by hurricane Sandy.
The Lack of other helping out, and major companies not helping the community unless they are forced to.
There are lots of programs currently to improve low income childrens quality of life and assist them on changing their socioeconomic status:
CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) - Assistance for low income families working full time, in school or training full-time, or a combination equaling to full-time. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and work/school hours.
CCVC (Child Care Voucher Centers) - Assistance for low income families that live in a selected CCVC county with a designated CCVC program. Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R currently services Atlantic, Cumberland, and Gloucester counties with CCVC funding. The child care must be an approved CCVC center. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and work/school hours.
Kinship - Assistance for relatives caring for their relatives' children. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and work/school hours.
CPS (Child Protection Services) - Assistance for families referred to our agency through the Department of Children Protection and Permanency (DCP&P). Eligibility is determined through DCP&P who will forward our office your information if child care is needed.
PACC (Post Adoption Child Care) - Assistance for families who have recently adopted a child. Eligibility is based on work hours with approval and referral from Department of Children Protection and Permanency (DCP&P).
PTCC (Post Transitional Child Care) - Assistance for low income families who are ending their second year of Transitional Child care benefits through the County Board of Social Services. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and work hours. Please contact us if you are interested in this program.
DOE/WRAP (Department of Education and Wrap Around Care) - Assistance for families who reside in an Abbott school district and whose child is 3 or 4 years old. Eligibility is based on income, family size, work/school hours, age of child needing assistance, and residency. Please contact us if you are interested in this program.
Vunerability is when the houses an buildngs are being consumed by debree and water hat could damage the property. The resilience is putting sandbags, reducing the water damage of the building, and planning ahead to stop future floodings.
This gives the companies a bad rap and the communities near the chemical harm.
The news and social media gave information about the up coming strom, Hurricane Sandy. They wanted to make sure that people who were clos to danger had to move away and find a safe house or shelter.
The poor monority children are more with exporation dates. Neighborhoods with highly concentrated poverty have higher crime rates, higher rates of chronic illness. This extremely troubling because theses children are not riskes at birth. This extremely troubling when these children are already brought into the world with a birth defect rate higher than the national average in almost all catagories
Putting houses up high and making pits deep enough to slow thw water down not damage the house. Houses on higher ground or built higher can lessen the damage costs and repairs to less money.