Alexi MartinThe study addresses vulnerable populations by presiding in an area of high culture and diversity. The study participants were from all backround and genders, so teh study would not be biased.
The study addresses vulnerable populations by presiding in an area of high culture and diversity. The study participants were from all backround and genders, so teh study would not be biased.
Ushahidi, which translates to “testimony” in Swahili, was developed to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election violence in 2008. Since then, thousands have used our crowdsourcing tools to raise their voice.
I followed up on the Fukushima 50 what they experienced, their lack of food and water. How they faded into the background after the event was over. The government nor the public realized the ramifications of what they had done and how they had saved them all from radiation.…
I followed up on emergency nuclear response groups if they did exist as a cause of Fukishima and came across the possibility of using robots in the place of humans in these situations. The robots could go where the humans could not saving life and limb.…
I finally looked up the statisitcs of how much cancer was prevelant in the population after the small doses of radiation to the villages surrounding Fukishima. It was interesting to find that there were more then expected and it could be a fluke due to overlooking scanning for Thyroid cancer in children in the past. There is also no definite way to prove these cancers were a direct cause of radiation or not.…
Three points that I followed up to advance my understanding was violence and EMS violence and the police, combative/patients with mental illness statistics nationwide.
This epi study looks at multiple organizations that have put together data regarding the respiratory health changes of individuals that were directly affected by destruction of the WTC in 2001. It proposes the problems that are faced by those individuals and the difficulties of treating them and acquiring data about them. This data will not only help these individuals with treatment and education, but can also help with plans for future care if this kind of thing is unfortunately ever to happen again.
The three points that I looked up to further my understanding of the article were the PIH, how long it existed and its efforts were credible and successful in the treatment of facilitating the decrease and prevention of diease in rural areas. I looked up HIV/AIDS treatment in the US and found that up until recently, people could not afford treatment; this I found was in parallel with Hati- whose citizens could not have access to the medications they needed either. This surprised me, that a country with so much wealth, ignores its own citizens. The third point I looked up was structural violence to see if it was a credible term or if it was something made up by the author.
I was not convinced by some of the doctor's attitudes towards the patients. I understood that such a busy ER could be hetic, but it is their responsibility to help those in need. I felt that not finding a way to help the man who was on dialysis to stop bouncing back and forth was not fair. I thought there was a way it could have been remediated better than how the doctor decided to fix the task.
Didier Fassin, an anthropologist and a sociologist, was initially trained as a physician at Paris University Pierre et Marie Curie. During his time there he practiced internal medicine and taught public health. In 2009, after many academic carrers across the globe, he was appointed at the Institute for Advanced Study as the James D. Wolfensohn Professor. Dr. Fassin is supported by the program Ideas of the European Research Council, Didier Fassin’s most recent project, Humanitarian Reason, explores how immigrants, refugees, and minorities are treated in France. He also has heavy connections to MSF or Doctors Without Borders.
Three points I looked up to further my understanding was hand, foot and mouth disease because I was not familiar with it and it interested me. In my research I found that it was spread easily and is common today-credible in health studies. I looked up Dark Winter to advance my understanding of the article. Through this search I found that the threat of biological weapons is very much an active threat and the US must be prepared, whether through vaccinations or research into global data on sickness. I finally looked up TB DOTS. I found that it was a strategy to stop the spread of a TB epidemic: through attacking it quickly with a cure to those infected.. It also supported the article’s idea of global health security.
I did research into disaster capitalism. I found a book written by Naomi Klein titled "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism", and it mostly disscusses how places may use event such as Katrina to pass legistlation that will benefit their own personal desires.