Nwoya Environmental Injustice Record
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
I am interested in seeing how social ties and networks have been used to cope with (un)natural disasters. My research focus on places under disasters conditions such as Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria, in which social ties have made the difference between life and death. Furthermore, “natural” disaster has been used to approved austerity measures and unjust policies to impoverished communities like in New Orleans after Katrina. These policies were not new, as they are rooted in structures of power to preserve the status quo. Yet, people have resisted, “through a network of branches, cultures, and geographies” that has stimulated a reflective process of looking within for solutions rather than outside. As often this outside solutions are not only detached from community’s reality but can perpetuate social injustices and inequalities.
McKittrick, K., & Woods, C. A. (Eds.). (2007). Black geographies and the politics of place. South End Press.
Bullard, R. D., & Wright, B. (Eds.). (2009). Race, place, and environmental justice after Hurricane Katrina: Struggles to reclaim, rebuild, and revitalize New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Westview Press.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document required by the National Environmental Policy Act
This link complements the Essay Bibliography of the Project Environmental Justice framing implications in the EIS.
This is the PECE essay bibliography for:
This (EIS) database provides information about EISs provided by federal agencies, and EPA's comments concerning the EIS process.
Emergency response is the main idea in this article, but specifically that related to nuclear emergencies. An interesting point was made about the confidentiality of the plants and their "trade secrets" of sorts. While being transparent is helpful for safety reasons, it also reduced the profitability of the company, since other companies would be able to use their ideas. EMS knows a lot about respecting privacy through HIPPA, however it is also important to know the layout of important or potentially hazardous buildings within a response district. This would be a necessary compromise to make between the nuclear emergency response team and the nuclear leaders.
The film is mostly about general people in the healthcare system. It takes place at one particular hospital but the cases could all easily take place anywhere. The struggles of the doctors, nurses, staff, patients, and families are applicable anywhere in th ecountry with our less than optimal healthcare system, there is so much more managerial stress on everyone than just making people healthy.
The Partners in Health are working on expanding surgery centers across the world, as described on their website: "'Essential surgical procedures rank among the most cost-effective of all health interventions,' finds the World Bank.". They have surgical centers, clinics, and other facilities for healthcare, but also help to better all of the infrastructure in the communities they aid, to reduce the spread of diseases.
Image of tomatoes in open market