Enviva Plant Ahoskie, N.C.
The Ahoskie Plant is the first Enviva plant that was opened in North Carolina. This plant has a production capacity of 410,000 metric tons annually.
Toxic Data Infrastructures: Emission and Ridesharing
My work is centered around the formation of civic data about vulnerable communities, primarily focused on the practices of categorizing and classifying transportation and pollution data in in South
Ethnosketch, Undergraduate Curriculum: Toxic Data Infrastructures
Yoo, Chae. 2018. Ethnosketch, Undergraduate Curriculum: Toxic Data Infrastructures.
Ethnosketch, Ethnography Off Campus: Toxic Data Infrastructures
Yoo, Chae. 2018. Ethnosketch, Ethnography Off Campus: Toxic Data Infrastructures.
Ethnosketch, Hierarchy of Questions: Toxic Data Infrastructures
Yoo, Chae. 2018. Ethnosketch, Hierarchy of Questions: Toxic Data Infrastructures.
Ethnosketch, Staccato Project Design: Toxic Data Infrastructures
Yoo, Chae. 2018. Ethnosketch, Staccato Project Design: Toxic Data Infrastructures.
California At Risk Questions
These are research questions for the california at risk project.
Photo essay to introduce viewers to Bondo sub-county in Kenya