Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective
This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
joerene.avilesFollowed up on: sprinkler systems, current investigations/ findings from 9/11 investigation into building failures, and policies regarding fire codes for buildings
joerene.avilesThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) drafted the policy.
joerene.avilesThe main findings are about gender based violence in armed conflicts and the political implications of addressing gender based violence (separating and giving special treatment versus treating everyone as neutral) in humanitarian aid efforts.
Sexual violence has a place in humanitarianism; when it comes to getting treatment in humanitarian aid efforts gender-based violence is recognized as a "crime against humanity" that needs to be addressed as they are common in armed conflicts.
Gender-based violence is approached as both a medical and health issue; the immediate wounds as the result of gender based violence (usually sexual violence) is focused on for treatment in emergencies but the deeper issue of the "rape epidemic" resulting from the system/ culture is not "treated".
Kristine.Gergesthe vulnerabilities of Hurricane that are affecting community are destroying homes and landscape, which impacted the whole community, included children who need to feel safe and have homes to stay in. Providing any event of arts for the Hurricane victims will help them recover from such a terrible experience.
joerene.avilesTeach 3.11 was developed to serve students and general public. It allows the public to have more access to different books, teaching material, and research regarding disasters. The website was built in response to the Fukushima disaster of 2011, in order to provide "an educational space for understanding the history, memory, and context of social disasters" (Teach 3.11). The editorial team has members from different countries, reflecting the international collaboration that natural and nuclear disasters require. With it's availability in six different languages, public contribution and comments enabled on articles gives a global platform for discussion and sharing. They are currently accepting papers for their "Terms of Disaster" collection.
joerene.avilesIncreased funding from the U.N., distribution of cholera vaccines, focus on poorer populations to educate and give access to medications/water, and clean up of the Arbonite River.