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Zotero bibliography-Sukriti Kapur

The literature presented here has tried to focus on impacts of human health owing to air pollution to better measure environmental injustice.

Fieldnote Mar 20 2023 - 6:18am

AB617 meeting

South LA 

March 9th 2023

Asking community members about stories in south LA (SLA) and any initiatives they are taking

Fieldnote Mar 10 2023 - 2:44pm

Jill started by discussing Environmental injustice

Envt equalities also stem from well-intended advocates in the non-profit sector

Joshua Moses


I teach anthropology and environmental studies at Haveford College, just outside of Philly. Currently, I'm holed up in a cabin in the Adirondacks in upstate New York with several family members, including my spouse and 4 year old daughter and 3 dogs. I started working on disasters by accident, when one day in 2001 I was walking to class at NYU and saw the World Trade Center buildings on flames. I have known Kim for a few year and I contacted her to connect with folks around Covid-19 and its imacts.

I'm particularly intersted in issues of communal grief, mourning, and bereavement. Also, I'm interested in the religious response to Covid-19.



Chief Bruce Shisheesh - chief of the Aboriginal people mentioned. Announced that the community was in a state of emergency.

House of Commons 

Dr. Caroline Tait - Psychiatry professor in the COllege of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. She helped start the First Peoples-First Person Indigenous Hub, a research initiative meant to examine mental health issues among Aboriginal People. She received her PhD from Departments of Anthropology and Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University. 

Nunavut Premier Peter Taptuna - declared suicide a crisis in the territory in order to avoid the temporary concern that a public health emergency would grant.

Manitoba Assembly Chiefs Grand Chief Derek Nepinak - pointed out the importance of preservation of culture on the mental wellness of these people.

Inuit people - have the highest suicide rate in the world

Bob Merasty - Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nation Vice Chief. 

Georgina Jolibois - member of parliament for the region. Stood in the House of Commons and voiced concerns about mental health issues in the area and lack of resources or attention.

National Aboriginal Health Organization - non-profit organization meant to help the community.