Louisiana Environmental Action Network and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish
A digital collection of material for field activities with LEAN and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish.
A digital collection of material for field activities with LEAN and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish.
I looked into the wide varitey of illnesses that stemmed from the cleanup. I also investigated where the hazards came from - the get fuel, the burning chemicals and computer parts and building materials.
I cannot find any information that Live Box is implemented. It might be manufaturing or use in the future. It could be a good product for helping people after a natural disaster.
It is published in "Violence & Victims", which is a peer-reviewed journal that analyzes all aspects of interpeersonal violence. The journal features contributions from many fields, from medicine to law to social work.
It might be can descript the feelings of doctors and people when they faced leaving or project ending. The improvement of the area that MSF helped.
The arguments are supported by many citations of other research and work that has been done on the various topics that are discussed. This involves looking at hard data that has been conclused, as well as qualitative data like risk factors and examples of disasters.
The terrorist attacks of Sept.11th have motivated FEMA more think about the homeland security and set a new department to approach to national security from both natural and man-made emergency.
This article finds that the people living in the area of the Chernobyl disaster are still experiencing the aftermath of the situation. Due to the health and financial results of the disaster, they have become dependent on the infrastructures that can help them, such as the healthcare system. This prevents them from making independent decisions, or moving anywhere that would reduce their ability to recieve help.
America Red Cross is a big rescue organization and it offers a wide services area. It has a good reputation by the public, but also there is some news about the public trust.
Laura Garro is a professor of anthropology at UCLA, so this shows her extensive background in athropology, and indicates that she writes this article with that sort of background, rather than a medical one.