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Editing with Contributor


C-URGE is a Doctoral Network centered in the Department of Anthropology at KU Leuven, Belgium, training doctoral candidates to research different perceptions on environmental and climatological urg




I looked into some of the big fires in America's history as well as the emergency response for them. It is very saddening to see how poor the response was back then and how many lives were lost unnecessarily, but at least we have improved.



The policy deals with Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD), which are defined as facilities with at least 16 beds, and focuses on diagnosing, treating, and caring for those with mental diseases. There are additional ways to determine whether a facility is an IMD. Once this determination is made, this policy aims to set limits on IMDs, as well as specify which services they should provide.



I looked up how other countries and areas of the world fund emergency response, like ambulance agencies. I also looked to see in which countries these services are most developed. The last point I researched was the size of the area affected by Chernobyl and the population density of that area.



"In the interest of sustainable and socially legitimate solutions, arguably decisions to even the technical responses to disasters should not be left to scientists and engineers alone"

This statement is very thought-provoking and is not exactly expected in a research article - that a scientist's or engineer's decision should be influenced or editied by those without such specific education or expertise.

-balancing point between safety and profitability

-disaster did not happen as a chain of events that made it bound to occur at some point, it happened on a system that was in good shape

-over regulation of the industry and workers results in a lack of flexibility and therefore an inability to be creative in emergency situations

-need emergency response team to be skilled professionally and socially, but on a low budget - and very importantly - cooperation from nuclear corporations