Reading Data Sets
Digital collection of annotated data sets.
Digital collection of annotated data sets.
This is a list of analytics by the COVID-19 Data Group.
Research update by the COVID-19 Data Working Group.
Since the system itself is open sourced, there are code libraries to enhance the work piece and modelling it.
“The stack”
Back-end: Linux, PHP, Apache/Nginx, MySQL or PostgreSQL
Front-end: AngularJS, Javascript, Html, CSS. Built with NodeJS and Browserify. Using Leaflet for mapping, and a collection of other frontend libraries”
Due to the trust crisis between the groups, public health cannot be improved via the service from the medical centers. General publics are refused to get into contacts with aid workers.
Under OSHA Law, the employers must ensure their workers are in a safe workplace that does not contain any serious hazards according to the OSHA safety and health standards.
With the employers’ rights and responsibilities, OSHA has provided a list of methods to maximize the safe conditions within the workplace. For example, they have provided free Law Poster relevant to OSH Act for download and posting.
“Notify OSHA within 8 hours of a workplace fatality or within 24 hours of any work-related inpatient hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye (1-800-321-OSHA [6742]).”
Newspaper article